Oh! Those Beautiful Weimar Girls at LaMAMA

weihmar girls 87The New Stage Theater Company is remounting its critical and audience favorite, cabaret show Oh! Those Beautiful Weimar Girls in late January and early February at the Club at The Club at La MaMa, 74A East 4th Street (between 2nd Ave. and Bowery) in New York City.

Performance dates: January 29, 30, 31 and February 5, 6, 7
Fridays & Saturdays at 10pm
Sundays at 8pm

$20 General Admission
$15 Students & Seniors
Box Office: 212.475.7710
Online tickets available at www.lamama.org

weihmar girls 4Conceived & Directed by Ildiko Nemeth
Written by Mark Altman & Ildiko Nemeth
Choreography by Julie Atlas Muz & Peter Schmitz
Costume Design by Javier Bone-Carbone
Lighting Design by Federico Restrepo
Original Music by Jon Gilbert Leavitt


Chris Tanner, Kaylin Lee Clinton, Catherine Correa, Gary Hernandez, Markus Hirnigel, Lisa Kathryn Hokans, Denice Kondik, Sarah Lemp, Florencia Minniti, Fabiyan Pemble-Belkin, Madeleine James, John Rosania, Christine Ann Ryndank, Jeanne Lauren Smith