Pianist Inna Faliks at Salle Cortot, Paris

0050 b&WMEDIUMPianist Inna Faliks will appear at Salle Cortot in Paris, France, on Monday, February 18, 2013, 8:30pm, under the auspices of Pro Musicis. Salle Cortot is located at 78 rue Cardinet – 75017 Paris – Tel : The mixed program will include works by Beethoven, Schumann, Shchedrin, and Lev “Ljova” Zhurbin.

Program will include:

Shchedrin Basso Ostinato
Beethoven Polonaise in C op 89
Beethoven Sonata Op. 57 Appassionata
Ljova “Sirota”, written for Inna Faliks in 2011
Schumann Davidsbundlertanze op. 6

Pianist Inna Faliks has set herself apart in thousands of performances as a sincere, communicative and direct performer whose virtuosity, power and risk taking serve the depth, intelligence and poetry of her interpretations. Inna’s command of standard solo and concerto repertoire is highlighted by her love of rare and new music, and interdisciplinary and audience-involving programs and lectures. These include her award winning Music/Words, where she alternates music with readings by contemporary poets, her program of piano music of the poet Boris Pasternak (on MSR Classics Sound of Verse, which drew comparisons to Argerich and Cliburn), 13 Ways of Looking at the Goldberg – new variations on Bach’s Aria , music of women composers, and many other programs. She makes sure to present programs that include both beloved crowd pleasers and music that is new and challenging, creating an adventurous, moving and involving experience for the audience. She is a musical omnivore. Faliks debuted as a teenager with the Chicago Symphony and at the Gilmore Festival to rave reviews, and has been exciting and moving audiences worldwide since then.