
Browse past e-Newsletters from Peter McDowell Arts Consulting. To your right, in the sidebar, there is a place to sign up for this monthly e-newsletter.

February, 2012: Contemporary dance, early music, Liszt, Australian opera and much more! 


January, 2012: Australian Opera, California Baroque and much much more


December, 2011: Amy X Neuburg and Cory Smythe, New York City Gay Men’s Chorus, and more.


November, 2011: Vital Vox, the Sweet Goddess Project, and more.


October, 2011: Erica Mott’s The Victory Project, and more.


September 1, 2011: News from Peter McDowell


July 15, 2011: Midsummer Edition


June 21, 2011: Happy Summer Solstice


April 2011 Newsletter: In Times of War, Natural Disaster, and Tragedy, Poets and Composers Create Sanctuary





March 2011 Newsletter: Workshop in Chicago, New Music & Poetry in New York, and Guitar Harmony in Austin





February 2011 Newsletter

January 2011 Newsletter

December 2010 Newsletter