Media files: Amy X Neuburg and Cory Smythe / Roulette, Dec 13

[Press release PDF download]

[Amy’s YouTube Page][column width=”47%” padding=”6%”]Amy X Neuburg song excerpts:

What he was
[audio:|titles=What he was|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

The Tattoo Song
[audio:|titles=The Tattoo Song|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

The Gooseneck
[audio:|titles=The Gooseneck|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

[audio:|titles=Shrapnel|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

My God
[audio:|titles=My God|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

Every Little Stain
[audio:|titles=Every Little Stain|artists=Amy X Neuburg]

[/column] [column width=”47%” padding=”0″]Cory Smythe song excerpts:

Lung and Lake
[audio:|titles=Lung and Lake|artists=Cory Smythe]

[audio:|titles=minimMozart|artists=Cory Smythe]

[audio:|titles=moonglow|artists=Cory Smythe]

to bed
[audio:|titles=to bed|artists=Cory Smythe]



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