The Ladies Ring Shout – Dec 18 – 20

In The Ladies Ring Shout – a performance using a combination of spoken word, movement and an original soundtrack – Felicia Holman, Abra Johnson and Meida McNeal explore portrayals of women of color in popular culture and contemporary society offering their own poignant and personal stories of resistance in this three-woman show.

“There’s potency within this range,” says TimeOut Magazine. “It’s as if the trio’s work is fundamentally a tug-of-war between emotional and intellectual investigation.”

December 18-20, 7pm
eta Creative Arts Foundation, Chicago

General Admission: $15 (online price includes $1.52 service fee)
To purchase tickets online click here
To purchase tickets via Box Office call or stop by
eta Creative Arts Foundation
7558 S. South Chicago Avenue, Chicago
10am-6pm M-F
Phone: (773) 752-3955

A production of Honey Pot Performance

Co-devised by Felicia Holman, Abra Johnson & Meida McNeal

Directed by Sonita Surratt

Costumes by Lindsay Obermeyer

Set & Environmental Design by Jeanne Medina